Stop the Bleed: A Comprehensive Look at a Lifesaving Initiative and Training Course


‘Stop the Bleed’ is a lifesaving program established by the American College of Surgeons in response to a Presidential directive on national preparedness. The program aims to enhance survival rates by empowering the general public to respond to bleeding emergencies effectively. This article delves into the initiative’s background, curriculum, and the essential tools Battlefield Partners provides to facilitate effective training.

Section 1 – The Genesis of ‘Stop the Bleed’:

Born out of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, the ‘Stop the Bleed’ program was initiated by the American College of Surgeons and the Hartford Consensus[^1^]. They aimed to improve public preparedness and resilience by training non-medical bystanders to control severe bleeding until professional help arrives[^2^].

Section 2 – How ‘Stop the Bleed’ Works:

‘Stop the Bleed’ courses are taught around the world by a variety of instructors. The primary goal is to teach participants how to stop life-threatening bleeding, including hands-on practice on tourniquet application, wound packing, and chest seal application. These skills can be vital in emergencies, such as mass shootings, bombings, car accidents, or any severe injury.

Section 3 – The ‘Stop the Bleed’ Curriculum:

The ‘Stop the Bleed’ course revolves around three quick techniques to stop severe bleeding:

  1. Applying pressure with hands: The most basic technique involves applying direct pressure to a wound with both hands[^3^].
  2. Applying dressings and pressure bandages: If bleeding continues, participants learn how to apply a dressing to the wound and exert pressure using a bandage[^3^].
  3. Applying a tourniquet: A tourniquet may be needed if the wound is on an arm or leg and the bleeding hasn’t stopped. The course teaches proper application techniques[^3^].

Section 4 – Battlefield Partners and ‘Stop the Bleed’:

Battlefield Partners offers a range of products that facilitate effective ‘Stop the Bleed’ training, including bleeding control kits, tourniquets, wound packing trainers, and chest seal trainers. Our innovative and realistic training tools are designed to provide hands-on experience in performing these lifesaving procedures.

Section 5 – Conclusion:

‘Stop the Bleed’ is a global initiative that equips everyday people with the knowledge and tools to save lives in bleeding emergencies. Together with the specialized training tools from Battlefield Partners, this campaign continues to build a network of lifesavers worldwide.

[^1^]: Jacobs, L. M., et al. (2013). The Hartford Consensus: THREAT, A Medical Disaster Preparedness Concept. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 217(5), 947–953.
[^2^]: Rasmussen, T. E., et al. (2016). The Joint Trauma System: Lessons learned in war applied to civilian trauma care. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open, 1(1), e000014.
[^3^]: American College of Surgeons. (2020). Stop the Bleed Course Manual. American College of Surgeons.

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