TECC Students Training Cricoidthyrodotomy and Surgical Airway

TECC Guidelines: How CRIC Training Fits into Civilian First Response

In an unfolding tapestry of chaos, where seconds seem like hours, and the air is thick with uncertainty, the trained civilian first responder often becomes the unexpected hero. These everyday people can make life-altering interventions long before the ambulance sirens wail. This is where Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) guidelines enter the scene, offering a structured approach to managing casualties in high-risk environments. Specifically, let’s zoom in on the role of Cricothyroidotomy (CRIC) training in this realm, an often-overlooked yet critical skill that can be the difference between life and death. If you’re interested in a comprehensive look at CRIC trainers, read our post on CRIC Trainers in Medical Simulation Training.

What Are TECC Guidelines?

The Committee on Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) developed TECC guidelines to provide civilians, law enforcement, and first responders with best practices for high-threat scenarios. These guidelines address the medical challenges often seen in mass-casualty events, like shootings, bombings, or other situations where traditional medical care might be delayed or unavailable.

The Necessity of CRIC in Civilian Contexts

Cricothyroidotomy, a procedure that establishes an emergency airway through an incision in the cricothyroid membrane, is usually considered a last-resort intervention in both combat and civilian settings. The procedure is highlighted in TECC guidelines as an essential skill for managing airway obstruction when traditional methods are unsuccessful or impractical.

CRIC Training within TECC Guidelines

Training in CRIC procedures aligns closely with the TECC’s “Direct Threat Care” and “Indirect Threat Care” principles. By teaching civilians how to perform a CRIC in scenarios where immediate care is necessary and resources are limited, TECC acknowledges the value of this life-saving skill.

The Anatomy of a CRIC Procedure According to TECC

  • Location Identification: Spotting the cricothyroid membrane between the thyroid and cricoid cartilage.
  • Incision and Stabilization: Making a vertical incision and stabilizing the airway.
  • Tube Insertion: Inserting a tracheostomy tube or endotracheal tube.

How Battlefield Partners CRIC Trainers Complement TECC Training

Battlefield Partners is committed to producing the most anatomically accurate and durable CRIC trainers on the market. Our devices are used in 10 countries and have facilitated over 6,000+ CRIC simulations, embodying the core principles of TECC guidelines for effective and realistic training.

The CRIC and Public Awareness

As TECC guidelines gain wider acceptance, public awareness about CRIC and other emergency procedures must be raised. This means more community workshops, open forums, and simulation training using state-of-the-art CRIC trainers to educate the general population.


CRIC training is indispensable within the TECC guidelines for civilian first responders. As threats evolve and public spaces become more unpredictable, the skills laid out in the TECC framework become increasingly vital. Armed with knowledge and guided by TECC, civilians and first responders alike can act decisively and effectively in life-threatening situations.


  1. TECC Guidelines Official Website – For a deep dive into the latest Tactical Emergency Casualty Care guidelines, an outbound link to their official website or a specific publication would be beneficial.
    URL: TECC Official Guidelines
  2. Journal Articles on TECC – An academic article that discusses the effectiveness or implementation of TECC guidelines in civilian emergency response.
    URL: Journal of Emergency Medical Services TECC Article
  3. Civilian First Responder Training Programs – A reputable source that offers TECC-based training for civilian first responders.
    URL: NAEMT’s TECC Course
  4. CRIC Procedure Medical Journals – Peer-reviewed articles discussing the significance of the Cricothyroidotomy procedure in emergency situations can lend medical authority to your article.
    URL: PubMed Article on Cricothyroidotomy
  5. Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) – Given that TECC is an offshoot of TCCC, a link to CoTCCC’s website can provide a broader context.Committee on Tactical Emergency Casualty Care. “Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) Guidelines for First Care Providers.” Journal of Special Operations Medicine, vol. 21, no. 3, 2021, pp. 120-131.
    URL: CoTCCC Official Website

For anyone keen on diving deeper into CRIC medical simulation training, don’t miss our article covering the ins and outs of CRIC Trainers in Medical Simulation Training.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes and is not intended to replace professional medical training or to serve as a complete guide to emergency medical procedures. Consult with certified professionals for hands-on training. Additionally, local laws and regulations may prohibit the performance of cricothyroidotomy procedures by unauthorized or untrained individuals.

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